Saturday, January 18, 2014

Praising God through the storms.

Life has been rough lately.  I have been dealing with some very real consequences of sins I committed years ago.  I also have been trying to help my sweet innocent daughter who, at the age of 7, has more to deal with than most adults.  My heart has been heavy.  At times I have felt so angry at myself and everything because of it.  Other times I am so overwhelmed with shame over things I have done or grief over things I had no hand in and yet cant control. 

I have coveted prayers.  I have spent hours with God in prayer.  I have begged for peace.  I have begged for forgiveness.  I have pleaded for the burdens to be lifted.  And for the first time in a long time, I have not blamed God.

It is so easy to want to transfer blame.  To get mad at God for sins I have committed.  To be mad at God for allowing my 7 year old to have ADHD, crippling anxiety, and PTSD.  It takes it off my chest, even for just a second, but it also leaves me alone.

Thankfully, this time, I am not alone.  My God is with me, holding my hand, wrapping His arms around me when I feel like I am falling apart, carrying me when I feel like I can not go on.

Even though I am going through these storms, God is guiding me!  He is my constant and my lighthouse.  He is unwavering.  He is my calm and my peace. 

So even though I am struggling with these storms and even though I may not make it out without some debris left behind, I will not be ruined.  Jesus is my strength and my hope.  He is my anchor and I will always have a solid foundation with Him.

"When the storms of life come, the wicked are whirled away, but the Godly have a lasting foundations." Proverbs 10:25

Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 4:17, "For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison."
Our storms are only temporary.  They will be calmed and stilled.  Praise God when things are rough.  Praise God when things are still.  And look forward to the day that we will all be calm and still in an eternal glory.